50 DE dreads !!!! curly synthetic dreads extensions . Synthetic dreadlocks
item represent

Stamp: $64.90EUR

Product indispensable functions:

•Form – crochet dreads curly
Alternate choices: Double Ended (DE)
It is option to operate Single Ended (SE)
•Field materials – kanekalon (synthetic hair).
•Size DE – 110 cm(55 cm folded)
•Thickness – 0.5 cm

✨For whole head You must – 50 DE
✨For people who would possibly per chance well well maintain shaved facets of the head – 40 DE
✨If You can well maintain shaved abet of the head – 40 DE
✨And if You can well maintain shaved facets and abet of the head You must – 30 DE

🌿This area is terribly gentle and gentle-weight!

🌿Curled materials has a smal crochet dreads from the guts. Here’s where the dreadlocks are braided, and the assorted half of stays a curl.
You can well well braid to a size of hair from 7 -10 cm by the advance of half of-eight or scandinavian esteem de dreads.

🌿Dreadlocks are reusable.

🌿Needs more care than the same old dreadlocks.

🌿 At some level of the essential installation, gentle curly dreadlocks originate naturally. On the second installation, the dreadlocks is never any longer going to leer esteem the essential time. They’re going to leer esteem gentle dreadlocks.

🌿Please, make no longer dry your dreadlocks with a too sizzling hair dryer and establish it some distance off from the fireside.
🫧In first week, curls would possibly per chance well well peaceful be separated every assorted day. It is mandatory for the natural formation of curly dreadlocks.

🫧‼️By no intention comb Your curls!‼️

🫧 If You obtained't separate them, curls will tangle.
🫧 Later you Can make this less most often every 3-4 days.

🫧 Wash your hair no greater than once per week.
🫧 Dilute shampoo in proportions of 1 (shampoo) to 10 (water)
🫧 Carrying duration from 4 to 6 weeks .
Max 8 weeks

🫧Curls will abet You longer, if You care about them greater.

‼️📤Write me a message, so I will send You a video about care directions‼️