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Ticket: $22.50USD

Contemporary form of wavy loc extensions. Simply braid your hair round the locked half within the center and journey your fresh mermaid-admire hair. The hair is extraordinarily soft and gratified.

A beefy situation is 60 double ended (DE) locs, that implies there are 120 ends.
At the same time as you happen to might perhaps perhaps even contain very thick hair you might perhaps perhaps even acquire extra.
At the same time as you happen to might perhaps perhaps even contain an undercut or side shave you might perhaps perhaps perhaps exhaust much less.
These are thinner than most loc extensions, so acquire about 10 bigger than you might perhaps perhaps automatically acquire while you've historical assorted synthetic loc extensions earlier than.
At the same time as you happen to might perhaps perhaps even contain in particular prolonged or short hair, you might perhaps perhaps perhaps expose that within the personalization fraction so I could perhaps perhaps perhaps make the locked half either longer or shorter for you. The same outdated home have to smooth match hair dimension from chin to a miniature bit past the shoulders.
At the same time as you happen to would admire single ended (SE) real keep it within the personalization fraction, (they’re the identical label) then but again these work most efficient double ended, the load is the identical.
Objects are 22 inches prolonged, roughly mid-serve when installed or 30 inches prolonged, roughly hip dimension. The 22 in ones are necessary easier to possess.
They’re extraordinarily lightweight, a beefy situation is now not up to a pound.
Made to state. Ships from the US. Enable 1-2 weeks for shipping.

Totally reusable, reinstall them every 6-8 weeks.
Separate each and each wave daily, twice a day while you might perhaps perhaps perhaps be active.
Spray and tender the waves to neat up any frizzy aspects.
Wash your hair once a week with anti-residue shampoo.
Peer my Tiktok account for added detailed care directions @onyx.lox

Message while you might perhaps perhaps even contain any assorted questions.