merchandise picture

Trace: $100.00USD

Dinky field of 10 double ended artificial dreadlocks, twists, braids and boho braids with curls.
Made with crocheting methodology. Colors blended manually. Hippie Boho Barbie Anime model.

Color: Red Magenta Fuchsia Color Mix.
Structure: Bumpy.
Length: 27 inches (68 cm).

Made appropriate in one copy and able to ship.

* Brand no longer wear artificial dreadlocks for bigger than 2 months. Hold away them after 1-2 months, give your hair no much less than a 3 days spoil, and set up all over again.
* That you simply may per chance per chance well per chance also wash your head as typically as you desire but I recommend doing it no much less than 3 events no longer as much as you repeatedly assemble.
* Wash you scalp easiest. You don't must desirable the dreadlocks. Make a foam out of your frequent shampoo by mixing it with water and faucet your scalp with the aggregate utilizing a sponge or appropriate your palm, row by row. Rinse thoroughly standing straight below shower, assemble no longer bend over! Narrate frigid/warmth water, no longer sizzling!
* Brand no longer blow dry dreadlocks – allow them to dry naturally. Brand no longer create a high bun with the towel. Attach a towel to your shoulders, salvage dreadlocks on the towel, wrap the towel around dreadlocks leaving them hanging. Hold away the towel after 20 minutes. You can need as much as 6 hours for dreadlocks to utterly dry, so thought the washing day accordingly.
* After striking off dreadlocks – that you just may per chance even wash them by hands or in washing machine utilizing your frequent shampoo. If washing machine – salvage dreadlocks into mesh laundry accumulate, exhaust graceful cycle and frigid/frigid water. Brand no longer salvage in the dryer! Attach dreadlocks on a towel and allow them to dry naturally, or better hang them on a hanger and salvage a towel below.