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Ticket: $23.10USD

Wavy dreads in merino wool. Refined and squishy, gentle to wear and stunningly very most attention-grabbing save in!
Every hand felted one after the opposite simplest with pure soap and warmth water.

Cloth – merino wool
Coloration – Rainbow (manufacturing facility dyeing), tone roots.
Length – 18-20 inches ( entire prolonged – 36-40 inches)
Thin dreads, about 4 mm
On the images you doubtlessly can perceive 50 DE dreads with 100 ends when save in.

These are the dimensions alternate suggestions we provide:
– SHORT (14-18 inches after folded in half) – the entire dreadlock is 28-32 inches (71-81 см),
– MEDIUM (18-22 inches after folded in half) – the entire dreadlock is 36-44 inches (92-112 см),
– LONG (22-26 inches when folded in half) – the entire dreadlock is 44-52 inches (112-132 см) ,
– EXTRA LONG (26-29 inches when folded in half) – the entire dreadlock is 52-58 inches (132-147 см).
-SUPER LONG (29-32 inches when folded in half) – the entire dreadlock is 58-64 inches (147-162 см).

Wash and take care of as you might possibly well your hair!
Registered Airmail (tracking number equipped).

Disclaimer: I create my simplest to describe the colours factual to lifestyles, miniature diversifications are imaginable due to the diversified video show settings.